To celebrate International Co-operatives Year, Cooperantics is proud to promote Co-opoly: The Game of Co-operatives where players collaborate to found and run a democratically owned and controlled business. In the game players make tough choices in order to survive as individuals and strive for the success of their co-operative business. We’ll be playing it with Somerset Co-operative Services before the AGM on 18th July in Taunton, so look out for a review of the game shortly after that.
You can purchase a copy of the game by clicking on the logo in the right hand side bar below
We played Co-opoly for the first time at Somerset Co-operative Service’s AGM and it was a great success. We had lots of fun with the work cards charades & pictionary games, and we found many good learning points for co-operative development. I was interested to note my colleague Alex had a very objective approach to assessing risk, whilst mine was usually a gut feeling more than a cold calculation. A great game and a seriously good co-operative development tool. Serious Fun as my pals at Dynamix would say!